Battleship Generations and WW2 Torpedoes

Data and lists from the videos released w/c 20th January 2025:

Battleship Generations:

1st Generation Pre-dreadnoughts

·       Steel armour

·       High freeboard (relative to preceding ironclads)

·       Generally /30 or /35 calibre guns

·       Generally 4 main guns, usually in a pair of twin turrets, one fore and one aft (some exceptions for more extreme doctrines)

·       Main gun calibre 11” or above unless 2nd class.

2nd Generation Pre-dreadnoughts

·       Krupp Steel armour

·       High freeboard

·       /40 calibre guns or longer

·       Generally 4 main guns, usually in a pair of twin turrets, one fore and one aft (some exceptions for more extreme doctrines)

·       Main gun calibre 11” or above.


·       Large number (8 or more) of secondary guns 8” or greater

·       No further secondary armament primarily for engaging capital ships (ATB weapons only)

·       Main gun calibre 11” or above.

1st Generation Dreadnoughts

·       Main gun calibre 11” or 12”

·       8-10 main guns

·       8-10 gun broadside

·       Secondary battery primarily for ATB work

·       May have wing or en-echelon turrets

·       Turbine or VTE propulsion

2nd Generation Dreadnoughts

·       Main gun calibre 12”

·       At least 12 main guns

·       Full broadside (no wing/very limited arc en echelon turrets)

·       Generally turbine propulsion

1st Generation Super-Dreadnoughts

·       Main gun calibre between 13” and 14”

·       8 to 10 main guns

2nd Generation Super-Dreadnoughts

·       Main guns calibre 13-15”

·       >12 guns if under 14”, 12*14” or 8*15”

1st Generation Washington Battleships

·       16” guns

·       8-9 guns

·       Displacement <35kt

2nd Generation Washington Battleships

·       16” or 18” guns

·       10+ 16” or 8+ 18” guns

·       Displacement >35kt

Treaty Battleships

·       Speed >27knots

·       Standard displacement ~35kt or less

·       Generally 14” to 16” guns

·       Built under WNT/LNT restrictions

Treaty-Period Battleships

·       Of the period of the Treaty Battleships but with displacement significantly in excess of 35kt

Post-Treaty Battleships

·       Ships built or planned without 35kt displacement limit in mind nor claiming to adhere to this



The Early Development of Depth Charges